Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I can honestly say that I will miss this class, although I am looking forward to next semester because of the HARRY POTTER CLUB!!! My friends and I have been thinking of some cool ideas for it so you should definitely join THE BEST CLUB EVER!

I really enjoyed everyone's presentations today at the student conference, although I did not see any of the videos because they weren't playing either of the times that I went to watch them. :( But I'm sure they were awesome!

I just wanted to share some fantasy related creations that I made in pottery this semester!

Saphira sculpture:

Hogwarts relief sculpture:

And Now for Something Completely Different

So since this is my last blog I really don't know what to write. However, I was laying in bed listening to DBSK (bottom left) and JYJ (bottom right photo) who are Korean boy bands... (yes boy bands) and I was suddenly struck with a desire to actually write a poem or song or something so I did. They are a major inspiration to me in multiple aspects. They show me what real devotion is to do something that you love and stick with it no matter what gets thrown at you (JYJ used to be part of DBSK but due to record company complications they are now separate). Their music is the purist I have every listened to and I have never seen a band perform so emotionally and passionately on stage as they do (even out right crying at times) and they care for their fans as much as we care for them. This ode to JYJ and DBSK is random and my first ever attempt at writing poetically... so enjoy!

Touch the center of the sky
reach with all your mig
hold it close, keep it tight

I have found my center within you
You will always be held close and kept tight
right next to me
You will never be afraid again never be cold again
you will always be worm I will always stay by your side

Touch the center of the sky
reach with all your might hold it close,
keep it tight
touch the center of the sky
your love is as wide and pure as the ocean is blu
you are my center you are my shining star

breathing in everything that is you
taking in everything that is beautiful

I fell like I'm at the center of the sky when I'm with you
ver give up never give in

you Touch the center of the sky

This is my destiny!!!!!

Just in case you wanted to watch it over and over and over again...

Have a great break everyone!!!

Philosophy: Rediscovering and Analyzing Common sense

So after the class that John Z was all like "Time is like a pendulum," which I thought was a really cool idea, I started thinking that hey if that holds truth than our lives are predetermined and we do have a set destiny. For if time is like a pendulum, then after it comes back and starts going forward again the same exact set of events will happen all over again. In fact, this could be our millionth time living this life. I could have written this exact same thing at this exact same time a million times before. And for who ever is reading this (I'm sorry) you've done so a million times. It is my destiny to write this for the rest of forever. I continued to think about this when I suddenly had an "oh for Christ sakes" moment and realized that this was a Futurama episode where Fry gets caught up in one of the professors crazy experiments and goes through time in a time traveling vehicle (great episode).
My next really short topic, (short because my brain has been fried by finals week and all I can manage to work up in my imagination is Chemistry equations) Will be about god. I think it's wrong to consider that we can do anything wrong. If we are the creation of god, the all mighty, all knowing, can't do anything wrong created us in his image god then it would be insulting to think that we would have flaws. There is no such thing as playing god. For example when Victor Frankenstein created his creature thing it was not an act of playing god, it was an act of god himself.

This Concludes my Philosophy in fantasy Lit and the rest of my mental power.

Happy Holiday Season Everyone

So this is going to be my final blog for the semester. Im putting in something slightly different, I know we have been talking a lot about destiny in class recently but I think I will spend this blog and talk about something that is more related to this time of the year. Everyone is getting extremely caught up with stress from finals, projects and finishing up the semester. Some people are nervous about going home and others excited. But no matter how we all feel we are all going back to our families and friends for the holiday season. Each holiday season we all do crazy fun holiday traditions. Our traditions include anything from cutting a Christmas tree to singing Christmas carols family. My little sister and I each year always make gingerbread cookies together. We blast the Christmas carols as we dance and sing around the kitchen while we bake the most amazing cookies in the world. I can remember as a little kid, thinking that the cookies were taking forever to bake, but now I realize that is really is not too bad. The house is soon filled with the beautiful smell of gingerbread and everything is cozy. Now by this time there might be some flour on the counter and dirty dishes in the sink, but the kitchen has not become a disaster zone yet, that is for later. Once the cookies are done we wait for them to cool, as they cool we start to hunt for what we want to put on our cookies. Well my mom is a health freak so it was always weird things like raisins, organic M&Ms, and almonds. Once cookies were cold enough to decorate the fun would begin. I have always felt that the more sugar on the cookie the better, while my little sister is the complete opposite. My cookies would be a crazy mess and hers nice and neat. There would be frosting and powered sugar everywhere, I would be laughing and she would probably be grumpy because I had gotten frosting on her. But it was always good fun and happened every year. It is one of those traditions that makes the holiday season special for me. Now why do we have these silly traditions? Well these are what create the holiday season special for each of us. Now I don’t really know why I am writing about holiday traditions . . . I realize that it is not completely relatable to our class. But I guess I just want to say to everyone that it was a great semester, travel safely, and have fun at home during our wonderful holiday break.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh Nuggets!

Well I guess this is it, no more discussing crazy philosophical ways of life with the lot of you. A sad day indeed. Though I must say it will give my brain a bit of a rest; thinking about the meaning of life and other dimensions is really quite frazzling! But it was a good time all the same. I leave you with an assortment of pictures that I feel represent the semester we shared with each other.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Some food for thought

So this is probably a horrible idea that I'm writing this at 1 in the morning. But! I noticed that I was slacking on my blogs, so I decided that I needed to write one. And what is on my mind right now is why during the holiday season everyone decides to get happier and nicer (generally speaking).

I've been putting this through my head and tossing it around a bit and have come to the conclusion that humans need to have a reason to get us through our lives. We need something to get us through day to day situation and something to look forward to at the end of the year. The holiday season is just that. Every time it comes around we spread cheer and joy because we have made it one whole year, we have fought through whatever struggles we have over come that year and we have made it to be reunited with whoever it is that we spend the holidays with and we can celebrate. Life sucks, it's a rough things to go through. But we go from year to year, looking forward to the end just so we can start all over again and say 'that's right life, I made it through 2010. Bring on 2011 and give me your best shot.'
If not for looking forward to the end of the year and saying we have just made it through one more year then what else can it be? Honestly I'm kind of curious what everyone else thinks. I'd throw out the aspect that Santa Claus is (of course) going to make all your wishes come true, except.... I'm 99.99% certain Santa isn't real. So that kinda takes out that option.
Or maybe it's just that we need to believe that we have a purpose in life and that purpose seems to come out during the season of giving. Which society has deemed (silently but unanimously) that we all need to be nice, giving and go out of the way to help strangers at this time of the year. This therefore gives us purpose.
*disclosure* I am not as evil as I sound during this. I love the Holiday season. It's my favorite time of the year except for the fact that it's cold. I just really was trying to pick a topic and I couldn't stop thinking about Christmas.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My new conference piece and final project

Everyone's comments yesterday about my story idea were very helpful and have helped me edit my idea and make it more reasonable and interesting. I would now like to share my new idea so that you all can see where I really will be going with this and what I will be presenting.

So my story is going to focus on when my dragon meets Shawna and the story is going to be in the dragon's point of view. His name will be Zarkney which was the last name of my previous villan. The fantasy land will still be called Merenasia and the title is still A Walk on the Wild Side. It also will still involve the fantasy and philosophy themes of adventure, right or wrong/good vs. evil, animal-human bond and companionship, courage, love and coming of age. I am also going to try to only let my listeners/readers be aware that Zarkney is a dragon when its the end of the short story. For the most part I will try to make him sound like just another person.

The plot for my story is now the following: Zarkney is fed up with his lot and his home and decides to leave. As he is traveling he notices this girl called Shawna who he starts to follow without her being aware of it. As they travel Shawna almost gets in some trouble with some troublemakers on the road. When Shawna isn't looking Zarkney takes care of it and kills or scares off the troublemakers. This is when Zarkney and Shawna actually come face to face because Zarkney is just too late in going back into hiding when Shawna turns around and sees him. She does freak out at first until she realizes what he has done and starts to trust him and lets him come along with her on her journey. Their bond starts to grow and he begins to like her. The story will end with both characters having matured mentally and the reveal of Zarkney's true persona as a dragon to the readers/listeners.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Destiny in Supernatural

Well, I guess we're still on the topic of destiny. I just remembered earlier today an episode of Supernatural that deals with destiny. The episode is the third one in season four called "In the Beginning." In this episode one of the main characters (Dean) is sent back in time to find his parents before he was born. Dean tries to kill the yellow-eyed demon who ends up killing his mom when Dean is little. Dean wants to prevent his family's deaths at the hands of the yellow-eyed demon and save his family so that he can be with his mom growing up. Dean doesn't prevent anything from happening, and his grandparents both die and his mother makes a deal with the demon to save her boyfriend (Dean's father). At the end of the episode, the angel who brought Dean back in time tells Dean that he couldn't have changed what happened and that it was destiny.

So if there is such thing as destiny, would we be able to change it? What if you knew how the future would turn out and tried to prevent it from happening, but it just happened in a different way? There's another episode of Supernatural where Sam replays one day over and over and everyday his brother Dean dies a different way. He goes around trying to prevent it from ever happening, but every single day Dean dies. In these scenarios there is free will to an extent. You can choose which path to follow and some events would be different, but the outcome would always be the same.

You see these types of episodes a lot in television (or at least I have) where one person has to relive some moment in time over and over until they change one thing that will end the time loop. So...could we change destiny?

at the end of the day

Im am here writing this right now because it is my destiny to do so. The biggest argument against destiny seems to be the fear that you have no control in where you life is going. In my mind we are able to make choices wether or not you have coffee or tea in the morning, or pass in your homework late etc. is up to you. taking the left path or the right really does not matter at the end you will end up where you are supposed to end up. If you believe in destiny or not destiny believes in you; if you do not believe in destiny it is your fate not to.
In the movie the matrix he visits the oracle and she tells him that he is not the one even though he really is. The reason for this is that it's what he needed to hear in order to follow his destiny. Same for the people in this class who do not believe in destiny, the reason because that's what they need to believe.
At the end of the day your smallest choices will bring you one step closer to where you are supposed to be; you make the choices and take the path's you decide to take. Most say it is the journey that is really the important part anyways. If you are reading this then it is in the end it's for a reason and it's taking you one step closer.
Enjoy your destiny

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A View . . .

So the theme for blogs seems to be destiny, which is honestly a super in depth thing to think about. I really loved just listening to everyone has they debated destiny in Harry Potter last week.

“I can’t control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. Here’s only now, there’s only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.”

Destiny I think is one of those things sort of like faith, trust, hope, love, ect. One of those silly ideas, beliefs, or emotions that we cannot pin point exactly what they are. I feel that it doesn’t matter if destiny exist one must first believe in it for it to be true to them. If you don’t believe in destiny then you just along with your life what ever about it, it doesn’t matter what happens in the end or if you have achieved your destiny if you don’t believe that destiny actually exist in the first place.

Personally I would not say that I believe in destiny, it is really not something that I have spent to long in thinking about. But I do have faith that everything happens for a reason, which is a lot like destiny. If one believes in destiny then they often think that all of our actions are destined, and lead to our eventual fate. While those who believe in faith believe that all of our actions and everything that happens for a reason aka a better good.

It is really weird though to think about destiny and how it might affect you. For example if I did have a final destiny, what might that be? Mmm . . . it could be almost anything. I guess destiny gives people a reason to believe that their life has a special purpose and there is nothing wrong with that.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Prophecy of the Belgariad and The Mallorean: Is it Destiny or Choice?

During our discussion of destiny, my mind immediately jumped to the book series, The Belgariad and The Mallorean by David Eddings. The whole story of both book series revolves around the idea of destiny. A prophecy that was written when the world was being formed stated that in centuries time, the child of dark will meet the child of light and the fate of the universe will be decided on this particular meeting. This prophecy was written down into two books, The Book of Alorn and The Book of Torak. The Book of Alorn was written by the Alorns and depicts the creation of the world to the battle of Vo Mimbre. Alorns can recite the book, even if they haven't read it, because it is in their bloods. The book of Torak was written by the God Torak himself, who happens to be the child of the dark. The book is twisted in its facts as well. According to this book, Torak was the one that led the Gods to create the world, certain protagonists in the story are actually considered to be villains, the reason why the Riva Iron Grip is able to touch the Orb of Aldur is different, and finally, the book states that the Angaraks are a good race and Torak is also good.

The story focuses on a young named Garion. He was orphaned when he was very young and then sent to live on a farmstead with his "Aunt" Pol. Pol was actually Polgara, a very famous sorceress who has lived for centuries, making it her life's work to chase after this prophecy. After Garion reached his teens, the storyteller he knew only as the "Old Wolf" came for a visit. He informed Pol that the events of the prophecy were beginning to take place and it was time to move. Zedar had stolen the Orb of Aldur and was going to use it to awaken Torak from his sleep. He had been almost completely destroyed in years past, but instead of death, he was under a sleep slumber. Gathering up their things, Pol, Garion, and the "Old Wolf" prepared to leave. Durnik, the blacksmith of the farm, noticed their departure and begged them to take him with them. They agreed with reluctance, but it turned out that he had to have come with them, because he was destined to become "The Man that Lived Twice." They met up with two more individuals, which Garion thought were giants or something and completely freaked out and ran away like a little baby, which was kind of interesting. These two individuals were named Silk and Barak. Silk was destined to be the Guide and Barak was destined to be "The Bear." When provoked, Barak turns into a very large bear.

The six of them started off there journey and met up with with the other members of the people destined to be apart of the destiny: Ce'nedra, the "Queen of the World and Bride of the Light." She is also destined to be Garion's wife, Hettar, "The Horse Lord" because of his ability to talk to horses, Lelldorin, "The Archer," Relg, "The Blind Man," Taiba, "The Mother of the Race That Died," and Mandorallen, "The Knight Protector." All these people were destined to take place in the prophecy that was told in the beginning of time.

It was Garion's destiny to face Torak and everything he did seem to lead up to that point. He of course did not learn about this destiny till much later in their journey. He also did not know that he was destined to be the King and to marry the Imperial Princess of Ce'Nedra. Ce'Nedra knew that she was destined to marry the new Rivan King, but she did not know that her destined husband was Garion. Needless to say, that it was a work of progress between the two, but they did eventually fall in love like they were destined to. Garion learned the "Will and the Word" and become a full fledged sorcerer, changing his name to Belgarion as all sorcerers add Bel before their name.

Throughout the whole story, Belgarion constantly asked himself why him? Why did the prophecy chose him? He, more than anything, wanted to go back to his life in Sendaria on Faldor's farm. However, he kept going, because it was his destiny to go. He knew that he had to do it, despite his insecurities. Of course he was scared, but he pushed forward.

The future was uncertain, though. Neither parties knew how the meeting was going to turn out. It really was up to the individual. The forces of nature, controlled by the Orb of Aldur, only had the power to put things in motion, not influence the result. Hence, Belgarion and Torak did have some control over their own destiny in a sense.

The Mallorean is the next part of the story. Many years had passed since Belgarion's adventures with the first part of the prophecy, but it was revealed that the prophecy was not completed yet. The Child of Dark and Child of Light had to meet again. Belgarion and Ce'Nedra had a child, who Belgarion named after his father, Geran. Zandramas, an Angarak Grolim (Angarak's versions of sorcerers), kidnapped their son. Zandramas becomes the new child of dark and their quest to stop the child of dark starts again. This time, in the place that is no more.

Silk, Belgarath, Ce'Nedra, Durnik, and Polgara return on this adventure, joined by new travelers. Sadi, "The Man Who is No Man," Toth, "The Silent Man," Velvet, "The Huntress, and finally, Eriond, who becomes the new Child of Light and God of the Angaraks.

Again, the orb and a new character, the Seeress named Cyradis, both set the courses in action to make sure that the prophecy would be set in motion, however, Cyradis would be the ultimate decision maker about what would happen to the world after the Child of Dark and Child of Light meet. Destiny had a larger control over this story and it appeared that the people involved did not have a choice in their own destiny. However, it was hinted throughout the whole story that Eriond knew exactly what was going. He would often make things happen that were supposed to happen when the other's didn't really know what to do, so I guess you could argue that he had some control over his own destiny. The Orb of Aldur also played a big role in this. He often spoke to Belgarion, telling him the path he must choose. Only Belgarion and Eriond can hear his voice, because they are the only ones that can touch the orb.

This brings the unending question on whether or not we truly have control of our destiny. In this case, things that were supposed to happen did happen, but the outcome was clearly up to the individual. They were not able to back away from the chosen path, but their strength and ability were what chose the outcome. It is truly an interesting question that I don't think can ever be answered. Most of us would like to think we have control over our own lives and can make our own choices, but how do we know whether or not the forces of the world had already defined this path and we can't stray from it?


Yea that's right. I woke up this morning, told Jordan I wanted all afternoon classes to be cancelled, and BAM it happened.
Maybe I should start wishing for things more often. a lifetime supply of DQ blizzards or something.

How fantastic would that be?!? Pretty damn fantastic.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I think we have control over our lives for the most part. I kinda sorta maybe believe that destiny plays a small role, but I think that we have the power to make what we want of ourselves.

Let's forget about destiny and talk about fate. ..or are they the same thing? I think that fate can and does exist, but only to a certain point. There is one song by Punchline in which all of the lyrics revolve around this guy and girl and how their fate is to be together, but they don't realize all the signs. In the middle of the song the music stops and the guy says, "maybe fate can only take you so far". I like this line because I think that fate does exist, but at some point or another we have to take it into our own hands.

I am now going to stop writing this because I think my fate is to go watch Eclipse.

k bye!!!

pic credit: and

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Destined for Greatness

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them"

Each part categorizes people into some form of destined greatness but each seems to have a different form of destiny.

What comes to mind when I think of the part "some are born great" are heirs to the thrones of monarchies or people born to families or parents who have done something great and now the children must live up to their family's success. With royal families, the destinies are pretty simple: when the older king or queen dies, their son or daughter will take over. They know where their destinies are taking them and what is in store. Those born to great and successful families have slightly more possibilities for destinies. It could be that they will grow up and then do the same thing their parents or family did or that they will do something totally different but just as great as what those before them achieved.

This leads us to the next group which is those that achieve greatness. These people are the ones that haven't technically been born into a famous family but have done something great in their life because of their own effort. Examples could be Thomas Edison's inventions or Amelia Earhart being the first woman to single fly around the world without stopping. No one knew they were going to do this until they did it.

Now onto the last group which is those that have had greatness thrust upon them. To me this shows that their destinies were those where they didn't have to do what they did but did anyway because thier destiny put them in that position. Great example that comes to mind to me here is George Washington whose destiny lead him to be one of the greatest founding fathers and presidents of America. He was kind of forced to take on that leadership role in the new government and made a great start at a new nation.

So it looks like there are different kinds of destinies but the question is what will each of ours be like.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I need people to join this blog for my Writing for Publication Semenar class with Kate Miles. I've sorta, um, forgotten to do this earlier. Anyway, if you guys could do me a huge favor and join this, I'd be really greatful and give you telepathic cupcakes.

I'll be posting art, poetry and stories I happen across, and keep tabs on my own personal projects.

Here's the link:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Destiny and Epica

Okay so I went to my first paid concert over Thanksgiving break for this epic symphonic metal band called Epica! The concert was AMAZING, but that's not my point. I've had one of their songs stuck in my head for the past week and I didn't know the name of it or enough song lyrics to figure out which one it was. Then, last night I went to play my iPod and it was the first song that came up! Is this destiny? Perhaps...especially considering the song is about destiny! Here's the song if you are interested...

So does destiny exist? I don't really have an opinion on the matter. I consider myself a very rational person so I will not believe it unless there is some scientific data proving it or whatever. But I will agree that the thought of destiny usually does make people feel better. If something goes wrong in your life you could just say, "Everything happens for a reason" and feel better about your situation! I just think that the thought of destiny and any sense of higher power gives people hope because they don't want to believe that there is no reason to life and that this is live and then you die and that's the end. People who think that there's no point to life are generally depressed people which is why people generally believe in irrational things. I mean...what's something that people who need help in their lives like something with addiction are told? Believe in a higher power and ask for guidance! The whole basis of AA is accepting help from a force greater than yourself.

Buffy vs. Twilight

This is the perfect video for anyone who loves Buffy, hates Twilight, or both!

There's a lot I could say about the philosophy of Buffy, but I'm writing my paper about it so I don't want to ruin my paper. I will say how it relates to Frankenstein, however.

In Buffy season 4 this government agency called the Initiative fights against demons. One of the head people working for the Initiative creates a demonoid cyborg called Adam. Adam is part human, part demon, and part machine and he is extremely strong and powerful because of his demon and machine parts. He could be compared to Frankenstein's monster, except that Adam is evil from the beginning and to everyone. He wants to create a world with creatures like himself to rule it. The first thing that he does when he wakes up is kill his creator. In that season there are also other examples of technology that gets used controversially and brings about destruction, such as putting behavioral modification chips in the soldiers fighting for the Initiative.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What is the destiny of a fat horse?

Hello dear blog, it's been a while. I'll start with a quote, to which my lovely roommate just screamed from over a book:

"Harry Potter... is an orphan... that means he'll be turned into soup!"

What is the nature of this, clearly, abnormal psychology?

Or, perhaps, we can examine this second quote, which she screamed afterward:


I fear for my life, dear classmates. Jordan is creeping off the edge of her bed, looking at me like a... like a... starving... well, like a college student about to have a nervous breakdown.

Yes! It's finals. Our lives are steadily boiling closer and closer to destruction. What the hell is the point of this anyhow? Why do we rip our hair out every semester's end? It's certainly not because we have five chins, like Dudley Dursley.

Uh, right, philosophy.

Anyway, I don't know if I believe in destiny, but I believe some people have a natch for seeing potentially useful things, even if they don't realize it. A man might walk down the street, searching for his run away daughter, and suddenly feels he should swing by subway. There she is, moping in the corner. They might call it a whim or luck. I suppose I consider it low grade precognition. We can sense things and, if they seem good, we can choose to follow them. Different doors open depending on our every choice, so the future turns on its head whenever we change our minds.

Mostly I just don't like the idea of some obscene force controlling everything I do and everything that happens around me. I'd rather like to take credit for SOME things, you know.

Great people do great things

Look at this fat horse I just found!

Destiny: a glittering trail of fluff or DOOM?

When I think of destiny I think of a set ultimate end; there are many different choices one can make through life, but in the end they end up somewhere pre determined. Whether or not I believe this so called destiny exists, I'm not sure. All I know is that in the end I'm going to die, so none of it really matters anyway.

BUT, when thinking about destiny as pre determined life, I wondered if there are only a select few who have these so called destinies. Are they something we're born with, or does an event have to happen to create it? Take my good friend Harry Potter for example, was it in his life plan to have his parents die when he was but a year old, or was his destiny created after the fact? Because once this event happened, he was raised for the sole purpose of killing Lord Voldemort.

Maybe only super special people have destinies, and the rest of us are just running around with no purpose. I think I rather like not having the responsibility to do something meaningful, I can be selfish and just enjoy my time on Earth with all you folks; sounds good. But if a select few of those special people with ultimate destinies are found in this class, I wish you all the best.

This whole thing is just a tangled mess of confusion, who knows what to believe anymore? I mean, I just learned Santa was abused by creepy elves!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So on Sunday night I got to go see the New Harry Potter movie with a group of my friends. Now ever since the third HP movie I have not been impressed with the movie adaptions. I just think they have done a terrible job with them and I hadn't seen a HP movie in theaters in years. I was a little skeptical because I had thought that movies didn't pay enough tribute to the books. I want to explain a little bit about why I love the HP series so much. I bet most of us have a book or a series of books that really launched our interest in reading. If you think about it a lot you can probably remember what that book is. For me that book/book series is HP so I have this deep connection to the books because they are the reason I read.

HP was definitely not the first book I had ever read cover to cover, but it was the first that I had read where I couldn't out it down. It instantly grab me and pulled me in. Regardless of whether or not J.K. Rowling is a good author or not, she had this way of making me fall into this completely different world. I could pick up HP and completely disappear. Now as a 8 year old, I just thought it was cool to go to the world of Hogwarts and HP, but as I got older it was a great escape.

A lot of people say that J.K. Rowling borrowed a lot of her material from other books and the Bible, but I think those people are just searching for that. I really believe that there's almost no way now for an author to write a book without it being compared to another book that has been written before. Think about it throughout history/herstory there have been thousands even millions of books written. So somewhere down the line there has to be a book written now that has some resemblance of a book previously written.

I don't know if that makes since at all, but HP is kind of the reason I read in the sense that it made me want to read books.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Life is supposed to Advance

There are a lot of philisophical themes that arise from Frankenstein such as life, death, reason, science, friendship, love, acceptance, failure, and most of all prejudice.

Life is supposed to advance, we are supposed to become stronger, more intelligent, and self-sufficient. Science is just another type of advancement in our life. If we can create the technology that creates different creatures then so be it. Whether it is right or wrong we would have to find out the hard way. Life is supposed to be making mistakes and learning from them. If someone creates a creature so horrible as Frankenstein and then sees the error of their creation then they should learn not to do it again. However, like Bengamine Franklin said something like I didn't fail at making a light bulb I just learned how not to make one. I don't think anything is a failure, we learn how not to do things in learning how to do something. Frankenstein wasn't a failed creation, his creator just needed to find out how to make it right. In order to do that he would have to keep trying and keep making the wrong thing until he can create another person or monster that is to everyone elses liking. But will they really be accepted since they were created in such a grotesque manner? How do we accept people? How do we decide who is better than someone else? Aren't we supposed to have empathy for people less fortunate than us?

As we advance in technology, business, the arts, medicine, and everything else shouldn't we also be advancing in empathy and in our other emotions? Isn't that why there is really no population decline because we feel the need to cure those that are ill rather than just letting them die? If we feel empathy towards others then why can't we feel empathy towards something not like us? Just because he was different he wasn't accepted. This is a major issue today and has been through out history, hell WWII was basically due to Hitler and his prejudice against all that weren't like him. But how can we learn from Hitler and how can we be better than him? Individually we should know now how to be more understanding of others and how they live their lives. As a whole, we are not very understanding of certain peoples lives and how they live. There is still prejudice in this world even though history has taught us that it doesn't do any good. Are we still making history so that future people will learn from us? Will there ever not be any prejudice?

I think that there will never be total acceptance of all peoples no matter what. Life isn't supposed to be that way. There are supposed to be differences and challenges. This is how advancement happens. Maybe eventually humans will learn to be more accepting but we are still too primitive in our way of life and thinking to accept all as equals. There are still going to be wars due to religion, race, and power. There is still going to be hatred (even if its less than before). Hopefully it will get better but not right now and not in our life time.

Eating is Just as unhealthy as smoking

I don't know what else to write so here is another one of my short story ideas.

The third world war has just begun and Russia has set its targets on the US. They’ve Russians have just failed to strike the city of Kogir with their most powerful missile, which landed 10 miles out to see. Although the missile had missed its target it caused a tsunami to wash through the city. Charlie, Steve, and Jamone had been bringing supplies to their bomb shelter deep in the woods by use of a Polaris Ranger. The view of the missile strike distracted Charlie who hit and large rock and flipped the Ranger impaling Steve in the abdomen with a tree root. Luckily the root hit no vital organs but blood loss was still a problem. They made their way back to the town in order to find a doctor but the town was deserted except for a few stragglers and Jamone’s fiancé who was preparing the rest of the supplies for the shelter. After discovering that the doctor has fled, they decide to make their way to the city in hopes of finding some help. Jamone took off in search of his fiancé leaving Steve calling after him.

“Just leave him, we’ll catch up with him later, but right now I need to get to the city” said Charlie

“Alright” we’ll find him when we get back. How are you holding up by the way? You’ve lost a lot of blood”

“I’ll make it to the city but any longer I Can’t say, I’m getting pretty woozy”

“We’ll take the off road path and cross the bridge and come out behind the big Apple which will be about 10 blocks from the hospital. It’s the fastest way,” said Steve.

So Steve fired up the engine to the ranger and sped down the dirt road. Before reaching the off road path Charlie had passed out from exhaustion to lack of blood. Steve veered onto the four-wheeler trail and sped down it, Charlie woke up due to the bumpiness and grumbled a bit. By the time they made it to the bridges high up in the cliffs that crossed over to the city it had become dusk.

“Oh my Jesus Christ gasped Steve. The bridges, they’re all torn to shit!”

All that remained were the suspension cords and the thick metal Skelton of the two bridges.

“Holy fuck what happened here?” said an astonished Charlie

They could see shrapnel of all the torn up boats that were once resting in the harbor.

“There all hung up on the cliffs. Look to our left!” Steve said

Charlie’s eyes widened with disbelief. Hung up high in the cliffs just to their left was a battered and beaten US military submarine. It had gotten hung up on the bridges suspension cords and parts of the protruding cliff.

“We bet-“

Just as Steve had begun to speak the submarine slipped away from the cliff and crashed into the bridge that leaves the city, taking it down into the black churning water below.

“We need to hurry and get back, we’ll take the road into the city” said Steve

“I wont make it, I’m not going back, but you are. Hurry back and get Jamo and his woman and get to the shelter. Ima work my way across the bridge and after I get help I’ll come back to the shelter. What ever you do, do not come looking for me or even leave the shelter. I love you man and I’ll be seeing you soon, whether it be in this life or another, good luck to you.”

Umm so ya, just another very rough draft of another story idea. I think I’m going to change a lot but the basic idea is there. I’d have the story follow Charlie on his trek to find help. While getting help the Russians will invade and it will be a fight for survival as Charlie tries to make it back to his friends.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some Food for Thought!

A friend of mine I know from my internship this summer with Outward Bound just posted this on his facebook, and I just watched it, and I feel I'm going to have to watch it a few more times to completely grasp the full picture...There's a lot in it, but I figured I'd share for those of you who are interested.

It's called "The Empathetic Civilization."

There's so SO much to think about!!!!!

~Are we "soft wired" for compassion, love, empathizing, and belonging?

~Does empathy really mature in a person?

~Does increased selfhood = increased empathy? (...what is selfhood?)

~There's no empathy in heaven?

~Are we all really one, big, happy, dysfunctional family???

Hmmm... Like I said, I still need to gather my thoughts...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

everyone SHOULD be given a chance

So because I find this so much fun I have decided to yet again talk about love but this time related to our current book of Frankenstein. As you guys know all that the creature created by Dr. Frankenstein wanted was a wife or someone to love. Unfortunately when he did not get what he wanted he took some drastic measures. This then brings forth the question of “Does everyone deserve love? And is there someone for everyone to love?”

Of course everyone deserves love you might say. Love is something that is an experience that brings fulfillment to life. Well what about the cruel people in history, people that are often times labeled as monsters just as the creature in “Frankenstein” was. For example what about Hitler, Hannibal, Stalin, or many other people who have negatively affected our history, do these people deserve to have love in their lives, even though they have done some many horrible things to other people?

Personally I would say that yes, everyone does not deserve to have love in their lives but everyone should have the opportunity to love and be loved in return. People make horrible choices but often times they make these choices with motives that they believe to be true, and everyone has the right to make their own choices. It then just comes down to wither or not there is someone to love that person. And again I would say that everyone has someone out there. I am not in any way saying that I believe that we all only have ONE person who is our true love and the person that we are meant to spend the rest of our lives with. Instead I suggest the idea that there are multiple people for each of us, but that is a different matter entirely. My main idea for this blog entry is that everyone should be given the chance for love.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prejudice of the Unusual

Throughout history, it is a known fact that anyone who has been termed different from the majority of the population has been stereotyped and has had to deal with prejudice. This idea has been put in many fantasy books too like in Frankenstein and Wicked.

In Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein's monster is a subject so grotesqe and creepy that everyone is scared and freaked out about him that they don't notice how intelligent he is and how he just wants to be accepted and help people and have a family too. Just because he was created in an unnatural way and looks just as unnatural, he never gets accepted and is turned away by his own creator who ends up going back on his word on making a mate just because the idea of the future scares him.

In Wicked, Elphaba is just a normal girl in the land of Oz but is left out and teased and is treated unfairly all because she has magical talent and green skin which is because her mother had an affair with the wizard and drank a green elixer that affected elphaba's skin color development.

As these examples show, prejudice is not a great thing and people just need to treat people all the same like they would want to be treated because everyone deserves to be happy and treated well and get the same things in life like love, family, acceptance, education, life experience, etc.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shouldn't you be dead?

So the topic of Frankenstein brings up everyone's favorite topic of life and death. Would you want to be reanimated if you were killed off? If your life was too short would you want to have someone bring you back to the living?

Well, if it was me: no I would not be back to life. You don't know if you'll be the same person and if your life would be lived the same way (and yes having a heart attack and them reviving you is a TOTALLY different story!) If you completely die and a year later someone brings you back to life. It would not be the same life you left. You'd be restarting your life all over again. You also have missed a whole year of your life. Things change, people change. You're life would not be the life you left and missed. It's a whole new life, you're being reborn. If that's what you want, go for it.

Also be aware, there might be things about you that you might not have. Such as you love your eyes, they're the favorite part of your body. Who says that your eyes didn't rote away and now you need to have your eyes replaced. Or your skin is as translucent as Frankenstein's monster, if you're like Jordon and can't stand the sight of veins, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself and then you would end up dead anyways and the whole process would've been totally pointless and a waste of someone's time and effort.

So, the moral of the story? Jordon shouldn't be reanimated if she in fact dies off but the rest of us can totally handle our new lives.

“Believe in love at first sight, just incase.” -Unknown

That quote was for all of you love skeptics out there; hope you guys all like it!

I have decided talk about love since this seems to be a theme this week. I think that it is important understand that love comes in all different forms. Love can be for a friend, a pet, God or another religious figure, and of course for a significant other. But I think that some people forget that you can have also have love for things that are not “human” like. For example you can have love for places such as home, a favorite spot, or something silly like mountains, a garden, favorite stuffed animal, and many more things. Love comes in all different forms; loves seem to be an emotion that is tied very strongly to memories, thus your experiences.

I have come to realize these last two years that I have been in Maine that love is much more then I could have imagined. I have always been a home girl but being away for such a long (being a relative term) time has been a little interesting at times. Of course I miss my family greatly but I have also come to miss little things that never crossed my mind as something that I would miss when I moved to Maine.

In Washington no matter where I went I could see mountains, to the east the Cascades and to the west the Olympics. Their constant presence always in my life, I can remember walking down the hill into town to go to the library as the sun set, the Olympics turning pink and orange, a glowing reminder of good memories of laughter, challenges, and a serenity that can only be achieved deep in the backcountry. I can remember standing a top of a mountain, which had plagued me for years, a goal that I had to achieve. I can remember looking out over the snowy mountaintops, Mt Rainier in the distance and feel that great sense of accomplishment that only comes when you concur a goal. I can remember bush waking along a snowy ridge, shear drops on either side of me for a good 100 feet or so. To one side a beautiful wide lake, the moon reflecting across its deep blue waters. To the other side a snowy valley and more mountains. I can remember looking up at the sky above, more stars then I could have imagined twinkling down on me. A helicopter circled above, a light shinning from it as it looked for a landing place. The thrill of being on a search and rescue mission and the enjoyment of being at the mountains coursed through me. It is all of these experiences and many more that have fueled my deep love for the mountains. When I went home last summer, I can remember looking out the airplane window so excited to see my mountains below me. As you can imagine the people sitting next me thought that I was a little crazy, but hey love in any form is a little crazy. It is an indescribable emotion that affects us all in a different ways. Love is what connects us all together and to our surroundings.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Love in Harry Potter

This is what Albus Dumbledore has to say about love: "There is a room in the Department of Mysteries that is kept locked at all times. It contains a force that is at once more wonderful and more terrible than death, than human intelligence, than the forces of nature. It is also, perhaps, the most mysterious of the many subjects for study that reside there. It is the power held within that room that you possess in such quantities and which Voldemort has not at all."

Love is an important topic in Harry Potter, and is considered the most powerful magic. Harry is protected by other peoples’ love for him and his ability to love. A lot of people think they are in love, but all they are is infatuated. This brings me to Harry Potter again in the form of a love potion. Love potions make people think that they are in love, but they are just infatuated. If you ever believe you are in love, just see if your feelings last a few months, otherwise you are only infatuated.

I refuse to believe there is anything “magical” about love. Love to me is just brain chemistry set about to uphold the survival of the species.

Advertisements have ruined the word love.

Shampoo and television seem to have a side effect of mind control. With the rise of nanotechnology, corporations more powerful than the government have invested their money into nanotechnology research. They have hired scientist to devise a technology that could seep through the skin and find certain areas amongst the brain. They then act as an electrical simulator administering various feelings and impulses upon the user. The way they administer these nano electrical simulators is by shampoo. All the user has to do is massage it into their scalp and the nanobots will do the rest.

The way television comes into play is various television stations and commercials give off various frequencies not detectible by the human ear. The “nanobots” act as receptors to this frequency and then produce electrical impulses creating different feelings. For example a McDonalds commercial would potentially produce the feeling of happiness and self-content. The next time the person drives by a McDonalds the feelings of happiness and self-content will reemerge, this will then be detected by the “nanobots” to which will produce an impulse such as Hunger and anxiousness.

Due to corporations being cheap and lacking morals the nanobots were not yet perfected before they were administered. Most or all of the nanobots experienced malfunctions causing users nationwide to become insane. Suicide rates have skyrocketed, people have taken on serial killer tendencies, schizophrenia, Panic disorder, multiple personalities, Bipolar disorder and so on effect most of the population. There are still normal people throughout US the ones who don’t or didn’t wash their hair between the time of distribution and the time of realization. These people are quickly being picked off by the mobs of serial killers and the mentally disturbed.

Before everything went wrong corporations were in battle with each other, different corporations owned different shampoo brands, owned different television stations that produce different frequencies. But all the corporations used the same nanobots; they just reprogrammed them to receive different frequencies. The corporations all but legally own the state of Texas and have all their corporate headquarters and homes scattered throughout it. Only a few ranch owners still remain that are separate from the corps.

The story Follows a group of people from one of the corporations who were having a “how do we fix this” meeting way out in the middle of nowhere Texas. At this meeting they figured out how to reverse the effects and on their way back to the Headquarters their car breaks down (or something) in front of a large ranch. They have no cell phone reception or any means of communication. At this ranch they meet a family of heavily armed heavily horsed people who provide the group with weapons and horses. Several of people in the group are ex-military Special Forces. The borders of Texas are heavily guarded but many of the insane still manage to cross and during the groups trek back to Headquarters they have several encounters with their creations.

Is this too much like other things similar...?

All you need is love...

It's a fine line between love and hate. How important is love after all; does it really make the world go round? Is there nothing more important in life than to find and keep love? Ok so yes I admit that I am a romantic at heart so I am completely biased. Yes there are a lot of other important and gratifying things in this world; but Love, it changes you, gives you a feeling nothing else can; except maybe narcotics ( to be truthful both love and narcotics are dangerous to your health.) Unconditional love teaches you about the world about yourself, it opens your eyes to the great things around you. When you are in love everything is a little sweeter, brighter, more exciting.
If there is something else in this world that is as great as love we are yet to discover it. Love is incomprehensible no one really understand how it happens why it is that we seek love. Some of us even succumb to desperate measures like dating websites. After all every movie has an underlying message of love; even if that is the love of a friend or animal. Love really is the most important thing in this world and without it what would really be the purpose; and would that purpose really be worth it?

The Greatest Thing You Will Ever Learn, Is Just to love, and Be Loved in Return

Nothing really matters anymore

It is a very difficult concept to even imagine; no meaning in the world just meaningless existence. We as humans constantly seek meaning in everything we do; we search and we hope that we are doing it all for some reason or another; otherwise what a waste of time. If this is true that nothing matters there is no divine purpose then I guess we should just keep ourselves busy and hope for the best.
Does it matter if I'm late to Zavodny's class? Or if I even go to class; after all it's all just meaningless dribble. This blog entry itself truly is meaningless it has no purpose except to exist. Really I feel that if people embraced that it's all for nothing then they have nothing to lose... maybe people would live out their dreams, become that surf bum they always wanted to be, travel the world. Who cares if you don't have money or a house, after all it's all meaningless.
As is the ever analyzing of books like the lion the witch and the wardrobe. We can give meaning to obscure passages, but at the end of it all; As Freud once said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

We're Out of Control!!!

The other day I was sitting in class, taking notes, and was fiddling with my pen, going through a period of fidgitiness, that comes and goes. And I was watching myself play with the pen in my hand, and it was suddenly like my hand wasn’t my own anymore, and I saw myself, in my head, chuck the pen across the room! I was surprised my body didn’t follow through with this impulse…In general, everybody has urges, but where do they come from? And if the onset is that instantaneous, how do we have the time to even resist that urge? Why didn’t I huck that pen across the room? …Where did the restraint come from? (I hope this happens to other people, otherwise I’m disclosing my inner crazy…)

Have you ever been in a situation where everything just seems right in the world, and you’re surrounded by great people, and you just feel the urge to jump in the air or skip or sing… Maybe you want to hug a random person you feel is down and you feeling very sympathetic, however if you did, it would just be really creepy. Or the opposite, maybe you’ve been so angry that it takes everything within you to keep from slapping another person…or worse! Could you imagine a world where people couldn’t control their urges? It would be complete mayhem, completely barbaric. I feel like self-control is one of the most unique qualities we humans have that sets us apart from all else. Or do we really have as much control as we think we do? Whatabout people who battle addictions, with drugs or alcohol? It is more socially accepted and therefore easier to submit to them in the first place? Look at people who have succumbed to them, and how extremely difficult it is overcome; they have to rebuild their self-control. So, is it all a practiced thing?

What is self-control exactly? And is it even true that humans are the only species that exhibit it? Are we really as unique as we think we are? Is there any evidence of animals showing this also? I’d have to do more research… but does anybody else have an opinion or facts that support either side? I wish I had more of an argument to present, but it’s just a thought. It’s very interesting…


The choice is yours.

So the other night I was thinking about how I have no idea what I really want to do with my life. I was also thinking about how there are so many different philosophies out there that I've learned over the past few years dealing with life and how to live it.
...and then I thought about how I have one of these philosophies tattooed on my body, and how I don't even pay attention to it anymore. I figured by writing a blog post about it, maybe it would help me think it over and try to incorporate it back into my life.

The philosophy is based around an equilateral triangle and the 4 major parts of it. At the summer camp I worked at (where I learned this philosophy), we called it a MEPS triangle. It stands for Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.

The left side of the triangle represents your mental state of being. It represents your dreams and ambitions in life and basically just having them.

The right side of the triangle represents the physical aspect of your life. Being in "physical shape" in this instance does not mean being fit or working out. It represents the physical things you need to do in order to achieve your mental aspect (dreams, goals). This means going to school (if need be), studying, getting a job, focusing, or just working towards your goals in any way possible.

The bottom of the triangle is the spiritual base. This doesn't mean that you have to be the most religious person on the planet (trust me,I'm not), or religious at all for that matter. This is basically your "moral compass" which will help guide you. Believing that there is something higher than you out there makes you realize that everything isn't about YOU, and you can't control everything. This will keep you grounded.

The last part of the triangle is the emotional center. The 3 other sides of the triangle basically make up your emotional center, leading you to be consistent in life. You want to try to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life because energy is highly contagious!! Most likely if you are feeling down, you will pull others down with you.

The triangle is equilateral because you want to try to find and maintain balance. If your mental outweighs your physical, you have all of these big dreams but you are not doing anything to get them. Nobody's triangle will ever be totally balanced, but you should try to work towards it everyday.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

True Love

"So, yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable,and well, strangely easy to mistake for loathing.And what I, I'm trying to say Tristan is I think I love you. My heart, if feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it does not belong to me belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange. No gifts, no goods, no demonstrations of devotion, nothing but knowing you love me too. Just your heart in exchange for mine."

I know that there can be many kinds of love. Love for your family, friends, pets, interests, yourself and your significant other. The above quote from Stardust I think captures the perfect definition of what true love is between someone and their significant other.

Now sure it is pretty obvious that I am a romantic but why not? Why not let people have something to dream about or strive for? It isn't called automatically obtaining true love. Its finding your true love or soul mate. It isn't suppose to be easy but its worth searching for throughout your life. It is something special to add to your happiness because you will always have your family and you will always keep and make friends, and you can easily get a pet or get passionate about a hobby, and you will always care about yourself. Finding that special someone just completes the package.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Love Stinks (Yeah, Yeah…)


We talked a little bit about it in class today, so while we are on the subject, I figure I’d touch on it a little bit also. I found John’s take on love very amusing, but I also have to say I completely agree with it, pretty much 100%. It’s not as important as everybody claims it to be…or I should say certain kinds of love.

And before I get on a tangent, I would like to say first and foremost, I am not a cynical, bitter, person, when it comes to the subject of love, and would like everyone to keep in mind that my license plate does say “HugSum1” I’ve been told to “hug a tree,” and can really get very sentimental very easily. I love my family, I love my friends, and am lucky enough to have a handful that I keep very close to me; I have friends across the country that I have to say goodbye to multiple times a year, flip flopping my life when it comes to school, work, and home. I especially know what it feels like to miss someone, when there’s a gap from someone you can’t be with anymore. Love is considered abstract, but for me it’s never been hard to figure out. It’s everywhere. It’s a feeling of comfort, it’s genuinely wanting what’s best for others, it’s helping. Simply put, it’s caring. It’s a very easy concept I feel.

So when people are “looking for love,” or trying to find “the right person” or their “other half,” and aren’t satisfied until they find their “match,” I just find it all, no offense, but… stupid. Being “In Love,” what does that even mean?! It’s two completely different things really. One is love. The other is purely infatuation. When you’re in love you’re just infatuated, and you care about that person. Together. It’s unique, and special, I’ll grant it that, but I guess that’s my argument.

People who are on the search for their “soul mate,” are getting together with people they care about and maybe not infatuated with. What happens when somebody comes along and that fills that missing piece? That relationship is over. Or maybe they are completely infatuated with someone, but they don’t give a damn about the person themselves. That’s going to last for two seconds. And that’s just one person’s feelings. So really a situation when both parties feel the same exact way and everything is completely perfect on both ends, seems very unlikely, almost impossible. But let’s just say rare.

I’m going to be lame and quote a movie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days actually. The quote goes something like “…People in lust want chocolate; People in Love want diamonds.” Because diamonds are rare. Blah blah, this isn’t new to anybody. Everybody believes that that “special someone” is rare to find, that's what's so alluring about it all. People argue if their “true love” even exists, (which I don’t by the way…) There’s probably many people who meet the “true love” criteria, but there are also many millions of times more people than that in this world. Finding those people is the tricky part.

So finally my point. If that situation were to ever present itself, then you can treat it with the specialty that it is. It’s not for everybody. And nobody really needs it. Nobody. Like I said love is everywhere, if you aren’t satisfied with that, then it’s clearly your hormones speaking. And, wow, I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but really, go hook up with somebody, and leave it at that! Maybe it shouldn’t be considered that big of a deal….....… Really, I don’t know if I completely agree with that idea, but I hope you sort of get my point…

Anyways, meanwhile, appreciate what you have. Many people in their love-crazed minds don’t pay attention to anything else. How many people regularly call home to their family? I’m guilty of not doing it, getting distracted with life in general. So it should start there. Send a friend a card just because. Give somebody a freaking hug. Hang with your friends. Live your life. And if that special someone happens to come around, consider yourself lucky and embrace the situation. But wait for that time, and be okay with it. Even if it doesn’t come, does it really have to be that big of a deal? Sure, it sounds wonderful. And sure, I love watching a good chick flick every now and again, and it warms my little heart. But it’s not real. It's not like it happens every day like they make it out to seem. You can't make it happen! Don’t you find it kind of strange that people plan to get married when they try to figure out their life? They plan to have a certain number or kids by a certain time frame. I find that very strange... It’s NOT a given, and you’ll probably find that you can’t make it be.

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe everybody deserves love, and should give a go at it. Maybe I’m missing something in the trial and error department. Hell, maybe I’m the most naive here in thinking it should come naturally… Maybe everything I just described fits into the “meant to be” mentality, which is almost as bad as soul mates. (bleh!) I’ve argued with many people about this, and it’s always fun, but nobody ever agrees… Can anybody relate to this at all?

Anyways, when the opportunity presents itself, I figure it a great time to offer a different perspective...So please just let me leave you with a few requests…


1) Don’t force love upon yourself.

2) Don’t obsess.

3) Don’t commit when you shouldn’t, if anything it adds unnecessary hurt (to yourself and others) when there doesn't have to be any at all!

4) Meanwhile, as John said, live your life! There’s a whole world out there!!!

5) Embrace the love you have, (which is never hard to find…)

6) And lastly… Give somebody a hug :)
