Monday, November 29, 2010

Life is supposed to Advance

There are a lot of philisophical themes that arise from Frankenstein such as life, death, reason, science, friendship, love, acceptance, failure, and most of all prejudice.

Life is supposed to advance, we are supposed to become stronger, more intelligent, and self-sufficient. Science is just another type of advancement in our life. If we can create the technology that creates different creatures then so be it. Whether it is right or wrong we would have to find out the hard way. Life is supposed to be making mistakes and learning from them. If someone creates a creature so horrible as Frankenstein and then sees the error of their creation then they should learn not to do it again. However, like Bengamine Franklin said something like I didn't fail at making a light bulb I just learned how not to make one. I don't think anything is a failure, we learn how not to do things in learning how to do something. Frankenstein wasn't a failed creation, his creator just needed to find out how to make it right. In order to do that he would have to keep trying and keep making the wrong thing until he can create another person or monster that is to everyone elses liking. But will they really be accepted since they were created in such a grotesque manner? How do we accept people? How do we decide who is better than someone else? Aren't we supposed to have empathy for people less fortunate than us?

As we advance in technology, business, the arts, medicine, and everything else shouldn't we also be advancing in empathy and in our other emotions? Isn't that why there is really no population decline because we feel the need to cure those that are ill rather than just letting them die? If we feel empathy towards others then why can't we feel empathy towards something not like us? Just because he was different he wasn't accepted. This is a major issue today and has been through out history, hell WWII was basically due to Hitler and his prejudice against all that weren't like him. But how can we learn from Hitler and how can we be better than him? Individually we should know now how to be more understanding of others and how they live their lives. As a whole, we are not very understanding of certain peoples lives and how they live. There is still prejudice in this world even though history has taught us that it doesn't do any good. Are we still making history so that future people will learn from us? Will there ever not be any prejudice?

I think that there will never be total acceptance of all peoples no matter what. Life isn't supposed to be that way. There are supposed to be differences and challenges. This is how advancement happens. Maybe eventually humans will learn to be more accepting but we are still too primitive in our way of life and thinking to accept all as equals. There are still going to be wars due to religion, race, and power. There is still going to be hatred (even if its less than before). Hopefully it will get better but not right now and not in our life time.

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