Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Holiday Season Everyone

So this is going to be my final blog for the semester. Im putting in something slightly different, I know we have been talking a lot about destiny in class recently but I think I will spend this blog and talk about something that is more related to this time of the year. Everyone is getting extremely caught up with stress from finals, projects and finishing up the semester. Some people are nervous about going home and others excited. But no matter how we all feel we are all going back to our families and friends for the holiday season. Each holiday season we all do crazy fun holiday traditions. Our traditions include anything from cutting a Christmas tree to singing Christmas carols family. My little sister and I each year always make gingerbread cookies together. We blast the Christmas carols as we dance and sing around the kitchen while we bake the most amazing cookies in the world. I can remember as a little kid, thinking that the cookies were taking forever to bake, but now I realize that is really is not too bad. The house is soon filled with the beautiful smell of gingerbread and everything is cozy. Now by this time there might be some flour on the counter and dirty dishes in the sink, but the kitchen has not become a disaster zone yet, that is for later. Once the cookies are done we wait for them to cool, as they cool we start to hunt for what we want to put on our cookies. Well my mom is a health freak so it was always weird things like raisins, organic M&Ms, and almonds. Once cookies were cold enough to decorate the fun would begin. I have always felt that the more sugar on the cookie the better, while my little sister is the complete opposite. My cookies would be a crazy mess and hers nice and neat. There would be frosting and powered sugar everywhere, I would be laughing and she would probably be grumpy because I had gotten frosting on her. But it was always good fun and happened every year. It is one of those traditions that makes the holiday season special for me. Now why do we have these silly traditions? Well these are what create the holiday season special for each of us. Now I don’t really know why I am writing about holiday traditions . . . I realize that it is not completely relatable to our class. But I guess I just want to say to everyone that it was a great semester, travel safely, and have fun at home during our wonderful holiday break.

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