They walk among us and create oddities just to piss Becky off. I think it's the robot plot to find Becky, befriend her, love her, and make her feel these feelings back towards them. Then when she's 80 years old, they'll rip through the membrane concealing them and say "HA! You thought I was a human all along; you loved me, you cared about me, you treated me as an equal." At which point poor elderly Becky would say "aaaaaaaaaaarg curse you philosophy!!!!!" and then dwindle away in her rocking chair....rest in peace Becky, rest in peace.
I do however share similar ideas with our dear classmate in saying that robots may act the part, but there will always be something missing that will make them not equal to the human race. Call me prejudice if you'd like (I'm very fond of nick-names) but downloading emotions, talents, and interests is just plain cheating!
I just read this and it made me giggle and made my night a little better :) (completely sincere, since this kinda would sound sarcastic if I didn't say that I was in fact being sincere.) THANK YOU JORDON!