Monday, November 15, 2010

All you need is love...

It's a fine line between love and hate. How important is love after all; does it really make the world go round? Is there nothing more important in life than to find and keep love? Ok so yes I admit that I am a romantic at heart so I am completely biased. Yes there are a lot of other important and gratifying things in this world; but Love, it changes you, gives you a feeling nothing else can; except maybe narcotics ( to be truthful both love and narcotics are dangerous to your health.) Unconditional love teaches you about the world about yourself, it opens your eyes to the great things around you. When you are in love everything is a little sweeter, brighter, more exciting.
If there is something else in this world that is as great as love we are yet to discover it. Love is incomprehensible no one really understand how it happens why it is that we seek love. Some of us even succumb to desperate measures like dating websites. After all every movie has an underlying message of love; even if that is the love of a friend or animal. Love really is the most important thing in this world and without it what would really be the purpose; and would that purpose really be worth it?

The Greatest Thing You Will Ever Learn, Is Just to love, and Be Loved in Return

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