That quote was for all of you love skeptics out there; hope you guys all like it!
I have decided talk about love since this seems to be a theme this week. I think that it is important understand that love comes in all different forms. Love can be for a friend, a pet, God or another religious figure, and of course for a significant other. But I think that some people forget that you can have also have love for things that are not “human” like. For example you can have love for places such as home, a favorite spot, or something silly like mountains, a garden, favorite stuffed animal, and many more things. Love comes in all different forms; loves seem to be an emotion that is tied very strongly to memories, thus your experiences.
I have come to realize these last two years that I have been in Maine that love is much more then I could have imagined. I have always been a home girl but being away for such a long (being a relative term) time has been a little interesting at times. Of course I miss my family greatly but I have also come to miss little things that never crossed my mind as something that I would miss when I moved to Maine.
In Washington no matter where I went I could see mountains, to the east the Cascades and to the west the Olympics. Their constant presence always in my life, I can remember walking down the hill into town to go to the library as the sun set, the Olympics turning pink and orange, a glowing reminder of good memories of laughter, challenges, and a serenity that can only be achieved deep in the backcountry. I can remember standing a top of a mountain, which had plagued me for years, a goal that I had to achieve. I can remember looking out over the snowy mountaintops, Mt Rainier in the distance and feel that great sense of accomplishment that only comes when you concur a goal. I can remember bush waking along a snowy ridge, shear drops on either side of me for a good 100 feet or so. To one side a beautiful wide lake, the moon reflecting across its deep blue waters. To the other side a snowy valley and more mountains. I can remember looking up at the sky above, more stars then I could have imagined twinkling down on me. A helicopter circled above, a light shinning from it as it looked for a landing place. The thrill of being on a search and rescue mission and the enjoyment of being at the mountains coursed through me. It is all of these experiences and many more that have fueled my deep love for the mountains. When I went home last summer, I can remember looking out the airplane window so excited to see my mountains below me. As you can imagine the people sitting next me thought that I was a little crazy, but hey love in any form is a little crazy. It is an indescribable emotion that affects us all in a different ways. Love is what connects us all together and to our surroundings.
I wish there was a "Like" button on here like on facebook. I really like your post :)