Monday, November 15, 2010

Nothing really matters anymore

It is a very difficult concept to even imagine; no meaning in the world just meaningless existence. We as humans constantly seek meaning in everything we do; we search and we hope that we are doing it all for some reason or another; otherwise what a waste of time. If this is true that nothing matters there is no divine purpose then I guess we should just keep ourselves busy and hope for the best.
Does it matter if I'm late to Zavodny's class? Or if I even go to class; after all it's all just meaningless dribble. This blog entry itself truly is meaningless it has no purpose except to exist. Really I feel that if people embraced that it's all for nothing then they have nothing to lose... maybe people would live out their dreams, become that surf bum they always wanted to be, travel the world. Who cares if you don't have money or a house, after all it's all meaningless.
As is the ever analyzing of books like the lion the witch and the wardrobe. We can give meaning to obscure passages, but at the end of it all; As Freud once said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

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