Monday, November 8, 2010

Got Soul?

I know this is back tracking but I think it is very appropriate to our discussion of souls.

I have mention Supernatural in this class before but they are always answering our questions for us!

The latest episodes have been about Sam being brought back from Hell. Both him and his brother Dean have been to hell and back, however, there is something different about Sam. He has become a ruthless hunter (they hunt demons). Sam was back for a year before he even went to see his brother. He didn't hesitate to torcher a kid for information. He let a vampire turn Dean while he watched. Basically all of this is because he doesn't have is soul. He is in perfect health and super strong, but he just doesn't feel anything besides what is physical.

I mentioned in a previous blog that our soul or something has to exist in order for us to feel emotions (any emotion). Otherwise we are just like robots which leads to our latest discussion. We have bodies and we feel physical sensations, but there is something else that allows us to be happy or sad or angry. I think its just scientifically impossible to come up with a theory as to how we feel those feelings. Would it still be the same if we figured out how those feelings come to be? If we fall in love but we know how we fall in love wouldn't that be weird? If we know what causes anger would we be able to stop it, is it genetic? I don't believe that emotions can be scientifically explained.

Robots are robots and people are people. If robots have souls we would never know because we don't know if we even have souls. Either way there is something that makes us feel. Sam's brother new something wasn't right the moment he saw him. He just didn't act like Sam. I think that it is comforting to know that there is something more to us than just bodies and organs.

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha I was hoping you'd mention Sam's lack of soul because I was also thinking of mentioning it.
