...and then I thought about how I have one of these philosophies tattooed on my body, and how I don't even pay attention to it anymore. I figured by writing a blog post about it, maybe it would help me think it over and try to incorporate it back into my life.

The philosophy is based around an equilateral triangle and the 4 major parts of it. At the summer camp I worked at (where I learned this philosophy), we called it a MEPS triangle. It stands for Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.
The left side of the triangle represents your mental state of being. It represents your dreams and ambitions in life and basically just having them.
The right side of the triangle represents the physical aspect of your life. Being in "physical shape" in this instance does not mean being fit or working out. It represents the physical things you need to do in order to achieve your mental aspect (dreams, goals). This means going to school (if need be), studying, getting a job, focusing, or just working towards your goals in any way possible.
The bottom of the triangle is the spiritual base. This doesn't mean that you have to be the most religious person on the planet (trust me,I'm not), or religious at all for that matter. This is basically your "moral compass" which will help guide you. Believing that there is something higher than you out there makes you realize that everything isn't about YOU, and you can't control everything. This will keep you grounded.
The last part of the triangle is the emotional center. The 3 other sides of the triangle basically make up your emotional center, leading you to be consistent in life. You want to try to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life because energy is highly contagious!! Most likely if you are feeling down, you will pull others down with you.
The triangle is equilateral because you want to try to find and maintain balance. If your mental outweighs your physical, you have all of these big dreams but you are not doing anything to get them. Nobody's triangle will ever be totally balanced, but you should try to work towards it everyday.

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