So for the last few classes we've been watching the movie and I think one of my favorite characters is Marvin. I think he's just the cutest thing ever. That makes me sound like a totally girl I know, and usually I tend to steer clear of that but I really LOVE him. His suer depressing out look on life just does it for me I don't know. I happen to love the part in the movie when Arthur goes "hey Marvin can I borrow your arm?" haha and then a little later than that Marvin goes "borrow my arm, ha so funny". Now I'm not going to go anymore into specific scenes because, I'll be honest, I could go on forever.
I think maybe the reason why I like him so much is because he's so pitiful. You know in some weird twisted way he's kind of like the underdog robot type. I love routing for the underdog. I think thats why I love movies that always have the underdog. You know Remember the Titans, yada yada. I'm not sure why I like the underdog so much, or in this case the depressed, geeky, super adorable robot. Doesn't everyone like the underdog to win?
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