I'm not sure what my after life looks like, or even if it's different for every person. If so I hope mine is warm with lots of shore line and places for me to take long walks in the woods.
BUT! If everyone did go to the same after life place.... doesn't that mean that dinosaurs and George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be there? Along with tasmanian devils and dinosaurs and dodo birds! We could learn so much up there or down there or over there.... where ever it may be!
I think that everyone has a different after life, because how could one's heaven or ideal place to go once they've dealt with all of life's shit, be the same as everyone else's.
But I could be wrong and we all do go to the same place. And if that is the case and I get to meet good old Ben Franklin and shake his hand. I'd like to do, he was a cool man.
So what do you all think? Do we go to the same place, or is someone else going to agree with me and we all have our own happy place?
Can dinosaurs eat you in the after life????? If not i would enjoy that place very much, if so I'm going to have to meet up with Indiana Jones so he can teach me a few pointers!