So ever since class last Tuesday the question of what/who my daemon could be has been in the back of my head. Well this morning while everyone was asleep (I am starving and currently waiting for people to wake up for breakfast) I decided to take some online quizzes to figure out what my daemon might possibly be.
Ok let me just say these quizzes are extremely aggravating! I did find some one though that seemed to do a good job on figuring out the type of person that I am but I do not believe that it was able to match me up with the correct animal. It claimed that my daemon would either be a White Tailed Deer or Rat . . . mmm yeah I don’t know about that.
The quiz stated that I loved being surrounded by large groups of people, though could often be shy until I became comfortable and started to get to know people. It also said that I hate confrontations but with people I trust I can show true feelings such as when I am upset, hurt, or mad. The most important thing that the quiz seemed to stress is that trust is a huge thing for me, especially when it comes to how I interact with people, which I can see completely.
The quiz seemed to believe that my daemon would represent my shyness around strangers and my love of being with family/friends aka people that I trust. Often times my daemon would probably be hiding in my pocket whispering encouragement when I am in strange situations but once surrounded by friends it would be very talkative and happy.
I honestly do not really know what to think about my results, there are diffidently some truths to the results but a White Tailed Deer or Rat? Though, now that I think about it, maybe a white tailed deer. I do love being outside and the mountains. I am from Washington State and desperately miss my Cascades/Olympics, the trees and rain. But I really don’t know, figuring out my daemon has been so confusing process and nothing really seems to click so far. In the mean time I encourage all of you to give this a quiz and try and see what you get, and may your results be clearer then mine.
Oh and just to let you know this quiz is a little long, so it might take some time, I think it is around 60 questions, here is the Quiz.
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