Where there is no imagination there is no horror. ~Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.
I found out with midterm grades that some how I had managed to completely miss a blog entry so here goes, a blog that is a little off topic but I hope some people will still find a little interesting.
People ask why I don’t watch scary movies, which as you guys will know is huge thing during this time of the year. I usually tell them that it is because I a big baby and can’t handle them. But the other day I finally figured out that there is more to it then that. I was walking in the woods with one of my friends a couple of nights ago and she was freaking out about being in the dark. She was afraid of something trying to kill, rape, and eat her, along with many other things. She claimed that she had watched too many scary movies. This was when it dawned on me that if I watched scary movies that I most likely never people able to go any where at night alone or with other people. I think I would miss that a lot. The night is calming; it is when everything has started to sleep. The moon lights the way, the pop out and say hello. I have decided that I am perfectly content being in a happy (no scary movie) carefree sense of mind, so that I am able to enjoy the night and accept it for what it has to offer.
Everything is in you head. Your view of your surroundings comes from your imagination, which is often triggered by past experiences, such as things you have done, seen, or even heard. I think that there is no reason for scary anything (movies, stories, books, ect) because they just lead one to become paranoid and doesn’t enable them to enjoy life as it is. Sorry to break the news but there is not a crazy ax murder behind every tree, instead it is probably just a confused skunk. Hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween even if you go for the crazy thrill of scary things or not.
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