You sit alone in a room; the room is bare except for the old beaten up wooden rocking chair that you are sitting in, slowly rocking back and forth. The creaking as you rock echoes around the empty room. You look directly ahead and there is a window. The window is small in size and the glass fuzzy to look through from the dirt that has become commentated on to the pains. Cobwebs surround the glass window; the spiders must crave the sunlight too. As you look out the window you think to yourself, this is a window, a window to the past, present, and future, what a curious idea. Looking out the single window, though small you can still see gentle sunlight causing the trees to sparkle with fall colors of red and gold, so peacefully. You are tired; the constant movement of the rocking chair, the creaking as it hits the floor is causing you to grow tired. Your eyes close as you yawn and suddenly you are outside, you have gone through the window, traveling to the past, present, and future. The breeze whistles past your ear. Red, orange, and gold leaves swirl by caught in the breeze. All seems peaceful, except for a feeling, a weird creepy feeling that something is watching you. You are alone always alone, just walking, one foot in the front of the other; the methodical pattern of your footsteps now pushes you on and on. Down the dirt road you walk all alone, always alone. You feel that weird creepy feeling; it’s like a heavy weight pressing down on your shoulders. Your going crazy, you must be going crazy. You look all around, twisting your head from side to side. The beautiful golden trees on either side of you rustle as the wind blows by. The rustling sounds like evil laughter, this can’t be right you think to your self. You don’t like the trees any more but they are all around. You start to walk faster you want to escape the evil laughter. You are scared, the pressure of that creepy feeling is almost suffocating you, and you feel as though you can’t breath. The wind blows stronger, the laughter grows louder, and you run faster, you start to panic you can’t breath. You are now in a full sprint down the dirt road, the trees on either side seem to be pressing in on you, something is wrong, oh so wrong. Your foot lands in a pothole un-expectantly, your ankle twist in pain, agonizing pain and you fall down, down, down. The laughter is all around, everything goes dark, but you can still hear that evil laughter pressing down on you. All is wrong you think, how can this be happening, but this is your last thought as something grabs your hand, cold sharp nails digging into your skin. The pain, oh the pain, and with that everything goes silent.
Follow class reflections from students in Unity College PH 3123 Philosophy and Literature: Fantasy Literature and Philosophy.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Alone . . .
You sit alone in a room; the room is bare except for the old beaten up wooden rocking chair that you are sitting in, slowly rocking back and forth. The creaking as you rock echoes around the empty room. You look directly ahead and there is a window. The window is small in size and the glass fuzzy to look through from the dirt that has become commentated on to the pains. Cobwebs surround the glass window; the spiders must crave the sunlight too. As you look out the window you think to yourself, this is a window, a window to the past, present, and future, what a curious idea. Looking out the single window, though small you can still see gentle sunlight causing the trees to sparkle with fall colors of red and gold, so peacefully. You are tired; the constant movement of the rocking chair, the creaking as it hits the floor is causing you to grow tired. Your eyes close as you yawn and suddenly you are outside, you have gone through the window, traveling to the past, present, and future. The breeze whistles past your ear. Red, orange, and gold leaves swirl by caught in the breeze. All seems peaceful, except for a feeling, a weird creepy feeling that something is watching you. You are alone always alone, just walking, one foot in the front of the other; the methodical pattern of your footsteps now pushes you on and on. Down the dirt road you walk all alone, always alone. You feel that weird creepy feeling; it’s like a heavy weight pressing down on your shoulders. Your going crazy, you must be going crazy. You look all around, twisting your head from side to side. The beautiful golden trees on either side of you rustle as the wind blows by. The rustling sounds like evil laughter, this can’t be right you think to your self. You don’t like the trees any more but they are all around. You start to walk faster you want to escape the evil laughter. You are scared, the pressure of that creepy feeling is almost suffocating you, and you feel as though you can’t breath. The wind blows stronger, the laughter grows louder, and you run faster, you start to panic you can’t breath. You are now in a full sprint down the dirt road, the trees on either side seem to be pressing in on you, something is wrong, oh so wrong. Your foot lands in a pothole un-expectantly, your ankle twist in pain, agonizing pain and you fall down, down, down. The laughter is all around, everything goes dark, but you can still hear that evil laughter pressing down on you. All is wrong you think, how can this be happening, but this is your last thought as something grabs your hand, cold sharp nails digging into your skin. The pain, oh the pain, and with that everything goes silent.
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