Susan Susan Susan . . . Susan, oh the problem of Susan. Now the question has become “why didn’t Susan get to go to Heaven or the new Narnia like everyone else?” “Would there have been a better person?” well . . . I think NO! haha ok maybe not exactly such an enthusiastic NO! But still no, see I think that Susan was the perfect person to fit the role, now let me explain as to why.
Susan has given up all of her childishness and instead she has become engrossed in makeup and other such things. She has now become an adult with in society. Unfortunately for Susan she doesn’t seem to realize all that she has lost. There is a certain freedom that comes with acting like a kid, a sort of care free fun and often times a more happier out look on life. This Susan has lost because she is trying to fit in so badly and she most likely feels that fitting in to society is all that she needs to do, but she doesn’t realize what exactly she has lost in the process.
Think back, don’t you remember being a little kid and just wishing that you were older so that you could go to parties, drive a car, live on your own, all those fun things that “adults” get to do. Well now that you can, look back and remember all that fun that you used to have as a little kid, playing tag games, riding your bike all summer, having mud fights, creating forts, all those carefree and silly things that “little” kids get to do. Don’t you sometimes wish that you could spend your days with out a worry in the world, no homework, no bills, no nothing? Well I don’t know about you but I sometimes wished that I was still a care free “little kid”. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that we can’t have fun adults but now there are certain things that are considered to be unacceptable by society and more things that we need to worry about, we have lost that care freeness of our younger days. Also often time’s people are so excited to grow up that when they are adults they completely forget to be the “little kid” and have fun, which I think has happened to Susan. She denies ever being to Narnia, she has cut that part of her life out. You might ask how can she do that when she has been there herself and so have her brothers and sisters. Well minds are a funny thing and we can block things out of our memory consciously or even consciously. We can even imagine things that aren’t even there. Reality is a funny thing. Just look at the main character in “A Beautiful Mind”, his reality was completely twisted and he often had a hard time figuring out what was real and what wasn’t. Honestly for me this is a very scary idea.
Now, to tie back into Susan being the perfect character to not go to Heaven or the new Narnia. Well she did always seem to be the more “practical” one and have the most doubts about Narnia. I think that C.S. Lewis chooses not to let Susan go to Narnia because he wants to remind people that being too serious is not healthy and there is nothing wrong with being a “little kid” sometimes.
Joy I think this is an AWESOME explanation of Susan! It fits perfectly!