So onto the second part, no oil=no oil companies. Can you imagine a world with no oil companies? I can, but only in my wildest dreams. So without oil companies, there would be not oil companies executives (yay!). If there were no oil companies we wouldn't have to deal with outrageous oil prices while mainly large old white men sit on their butts making millions a week. I think in my mind I link greed directly to oil companies, so for that reason in my mind the no oil companies makes me believe there would be no greed in the world (of course that would probably only happen in my utopia though).
So your probably thinking at this point that having no oil and no oil companies sounds like a really good idea, and I totally agree with you. No oil and no oil companies means that we're probably a lot nicer to the environment which is what we all want, but would we be stuck in the middle ages without oil? Would be still be dressing as knights, lords, dukes, princesses, princes, kings and queens did? Would we still be living that way? Without oil the industrial revolution probably wouldn't have happened and our technology wouldn't be where it is today. We wouldn't be at Unity College and I wouldn't be writing this blog because as much as I hate to admit it oil made this computer and has given us the life we have today.
Even though I love living in the new technology age, I still wish there was no such thing as Oil!
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