I am writing to on behalf of our failing and weakening race. You see, with every new “advancement,” whether it is technological or medical that we make, we are causing great harm upon ourselves. Our quest for simplicity, longevity, and “healthier” life spans will be the bane to our existence. We have rejected and defied the very thing that has got us to where we are today, and that is natural selection. It is this extraordinary phenomenon that allows for species to expand instinctively, grow stronger, and be more complex than previous generations. The very thing that allows for necessary adaptations to occur. We should free ourselves from our artificial lives and once again embrace our place within nature. If we can allow ourselves this freedom then “we may look with some confidence to a secure future of great length. And as natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress towards perfection” (Charles Darwin).
I understand the consequences of reverting back to our primitive customs. I understand that there would be deaths in the millions perhaps billions. I myself would not exist if it weren’t for modern medical techniques, nor my father, or my grandfather. Medical technology has allowed us to persevere but at what cost. My paternal grandfather had cancer; my paternal grandmother has a debilitating bone condition. My maternal grandfather was afflicted with heart disease at early age and now suffers from dementia. Assuming that my parents have inherited these ghastly genes. I now have both traits of cancer and heart disease in mine, and so the pattern continues, in my family and yours, until it reaches the point where we have become so weak and defenseless that the whole human race becomes extinguished in the blink of an eye.
It is the way of the homosapien to look out for one another, to want good health for our brothers and sisters and to ensure the immediate well being of our species. But this is disastrous. It has halted our ability to adapt and grow stronger. True, not all adaptive abilities have been lost due to this, our mental strength is growing at astounding speeds, but what good is a brain without a healthy heart to pump blood to it or a tumor that alters its thought process? We cannot allow ourselves to be obscured by the clouds of human emotion and morals, but instead need to look forward into the future and do what’s right to ensure that there will always be a worthy and enduring next generation.
I dunno. Our bodies are changing and certain less desirable traits pop up all over the place, but our way of life also encouraged a different path from the more straight forward 'strongest survive'. We use empathy and intelligence to increase our numbers. We take care of each other, and through that, certain people who would fade away without outside assistance are given the chance to improve society. I don't think this is much different then most earlier civilizations, so even if we reverted, it would take an extreme measure to completely alter our nature.