Monday, September 27, 2010

If you Club a Seal, and then Club the Clubber...

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This idea kinda stuck with me even after talking about the nature of perceived good and evil and how they may not exist without us.
The very notion or perceived Good and Evil make me curious because it would seem that all notions we have on the subject of good or evil are based upon our culture. I.e we as Americans (and a good portion of the world) consider cannibalism to be bad or wrong or in some cases "evil", whereas in the culture that is it accepted its an everyday Maybe! acceptable thing.

Another example of perceived evil. Being Left hand dominant! (That's "right" , you left handed oppressors I am going there!), Up to I would say as recently as the early to mid seventies people were against other people being left handed. Based upon the Church or the Culture or the Society Left handedness was considered immoral, evil, and a sign of witch craft or devil worship. Today It would seem that we find that to be silly, even though Most lefties have just accepted that some things have to be done right handedbecause products for left handed people just either don't exist or are more expensive and inconvenient to get. Point being, Evil seems to change and evolve as our perceptions of the world around us and our experience/ understanding of it change.

People have demonized things for thousands of years....from wolves, to serpents we have a knack for pointing at different things and if they make us uncomfortable well.....maybe it is easier to explain it as just being evil.

Onto the subject of God and his "goodness" I would say that Good and Evil are not Black and White. There are times where sometimes the circumstances require a bit of evil to ultimately bring out the good of a situation. Hurricanes are a wonderful example....there are places all around the world who could benefit from charity, concern and aid in various forms, typically we flip out when a human habitat is demolished against our will and by necessity it brings us together, for better or worse. So the question or rather the complaint is "well if god is so good and great and powerful and this that and the other then why does he let bad things happen to "good " people?" I would say to them the reason if god is so great could be beyond our reasoning or experience based restrictions. God is supposedly unlimited, which to me means that when the time calls for it as in the old testament, God will fucking step on you. Accept it. If God exists and really is all powerful etc... then we are basically a hobby or an experiment. Being almighty etc.. means that you can do whatever you want!

Limits do not apply and people are so bent on putting this all powerful being into a box a zillion sizes to small! If and only if God is limitless.

Which again would say to me that based upon that nature there is at its basest level shit that happens and you either like it or you don't, that doesn't fit into my frame of "evil". If pure Evil existed there would be soooooo much more crap just happening that we might actually notice acts of PURE GOOD. People have a tendency to focus on the crap and only pay attention to the BIG good things.

My current motto "Never disappointed, Always Grateful" because there isn't really anything to bad, and I am grateful for the good things when and if they come ^_^

THE END. hahahahahahaha

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Just for fun!

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