You wake up and look around. The world around you seems exactly the same yet, something just doesn't feel right. You stumble out of bed in your tired state and hobble over to the bathroom. You reach for your toothbrush when you realize something is terribly wrong. Both your thumbs are now on the opposite side of your hands!
What would a world be like if our opposable thumbs were next to our pinkies instead of our pointer finger? Giving someone the thumbs up would definitely be out of the question. But what else would change? The way you pick items up and hold onto things would be different. But we would be able to easily adapt to that change. I can assure you that the layout to keyboards would be different after trying to type like that for a sentence.
I picked this one thing to change because I personally thought it was kind of an obscure thing to change. If the whole human race was like this we would still be getting around everyday life perfectly fine but how would the way we design things change? Would certain muscles in our body be worked out more? These are all fun things for me to try to imagine. If anyone thinks of any other cool changes that would happen feel free to post them.
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