So this is
probably a horrible idea that I'm writing this at 1 in the morning. But! I noticed that I was slacking on my blogs, so I decided that I needed to write one. And what is on my mind right now is why during the holiday season everyone decides to get happier and nicer (generally speaking).
I've been putting this through my head and tossing it around a bit and have come to the conclusion that humans need to have a reason to get us through our lives. We need something to get us through day to day situation and something to look forward to at the end of the year. The holiday season is just that. Every time it comes around we spread cheer and joy because we have made it one whole year, we have fought through whatever struggles we have over come that year and we have made it to be reunited with whoever it is that we spend the holidays with and we can celebrate. Life sucks, it's a rough things to go through. But we go from year to year, looking forward to the end just so we can start all over again and say 'that's right life, I made it through 2010. Bring on 2011 and give me your best shot.'
If not for looking forward to the end of the year and saying we have just made it through one more year then what else can it be? Honestly I'm kind of curious what everyone else thinks. I'd throw out the aspect that Santa Claus is (of course) going to make all your wishes come true, except.... I'm 99.99% certain Santa isn't real. So that kinda takes out that option.
Or maybe it's just that we need to believe that we have a purpose in life and that purpose seems to come out during the season of giving. Which society has deemed (silently but unanimously) that we all need to be nice, giving and go out of the way to help strangers at this time of the year. This therefore gives us purpose.
*disclosure* I am not as evil as I sound during this. I love the Holiday season. It's my favorite time of the year except for the fact that it's cold. I just really was trying to pick a topic and I couldn't stop thinking about Christmas.